Dunworth. She is one of the most talented writers I know and she has just
had her first book published. “Snapshots from Home, Stories from
Dysfunctional High School” is an insightful look at the problems facing many of
today’s adolescents. It is a collection of relatable stories and
consequences. This is a noble effort on Dunworth’s part to shed light on
topics parents have been dealing with for years but had little support for
handling. She has numerous resources on her web site http://www.streetlighthalo.com/index.html
to help embattled families cope with problems ranging from drugs to relationship
issues. Their collection of stories is believable because they come from
the heart. She points out that troubled teens are not bad kids. They
just need a little help. Pressures today are different than they were even
a few years ago. This book is an essential coping tool for families in
need of help. Stop by and download a copy at https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/401286
for just $1.99. This book could change a life and maybe even save one.