frozen yogurt for instance. In the store you can buy a half gallon of
premium ice cream for about $5. At a frozen yogurt shop you can buy a
little container with some toppings for about $8. I understand convenience
and markup but really? That’s a lot for frozen yogurt. The problem
lies in the fact that you don’t usually go there alone. You usually take
someone of some significance in your life. It might be a spouse,
significant other, child or just a friend. When you’re picking up the tab,
however, it looks pretty bad to say, “Don’t put so much in your cup”, or “Hey,
lay off the gummy bears. They charge by weight and those things weigh a
ton!” You just can’t go there. Instead, you have to smile and pay
for it. The nice girl behind the counter knows what’s going on but doesn’t
help you. Instead, she tells the other person or people with you, “Hey,
you should try this topping. It’s one of our biggest sellers”.
Thanks ice cream lady! Then look at the price of pop. If you want a
20 once pop it will cost you about $1.39 at a convenience store. You can
also buy 2 liters of the same pop for about $1.39. Am I missing something
here? You are giving me less than a third of the amount of product, but
the price is the same. So you try to save a little money and buy a
fountain drink. You pay about $1.20 for 32 ounces. That’s still no
bargain. Apparently the ability to drink something while traveling down
the road makes it more expensive. Not so fast. Then you go to a
restaurant to eat. They charge $2.99 for a cup of ice with a little pop in
it and boast free refills. I should hope so. I would need to have
quite a few watered down drinks in order to get my money’s worth that way.
So what is the genius behind the pricing of pop? It costs practically
nothing to make so companies take profit in any form they can. In
clothing, small sizes cost the same as extra-large sizes. Plus sizes are
more but there is a lot more material used to make an extra-large than to make a
small. I actually come out ahead on this deal but people who wear small
get the short end or the deal. I won’t even get into health care price
differences. That could be a blog in itself. I’m not cheap. I
just don’t see the logic in these prices.