A Harem Boy's Saga; a memoir by Young
"OMG! I can't believe this is a real story!"
Never have I read a story that has me exclaiming "OMG, OMG, OMG" every few chapters. This autobiographical story shares the intensely personal journey of a young boy as he comes of age in the midst of a male harem in the Middle East. He experiences all the things that forbidden and taboo...you know those "unmentionable elephants in the room" that we are warned about from an early age. I had to read this real life adventure to find out how messed up and damaged he must be. Imagine my surprise to meet an emotionally healthy young man who successfully grabs all life has to offer and does it with an innocence that is simply beautiful.
Don't read this book if you aren't ready for your ingrained beliefs and values to be challenged. Don't read this book if you are not ready to delve into a side of our global society that is well hidden from most. Don't read this book unless you too are ready to step into a new adventure. Initiation will change how you view the world.
5-star review by Wendy Acosta
A Harem Boy’s Saga; a memoir by Young series is published by Solstice Publishing, Can you tell us how it begins?
The first two books; A Harem Boy’s Saga – I - Initiation and II - Unbridled were originally self-published. A year later I found my literary agent, Emerantia Antonia Parnall-Gilbert (Gilbert Literary Agency) after searching for a publisher and a literary agent.
It was Emerantia who hooked me with Solstice Publishing. I’m blessed that Solstice Publishing is interested to publish the entire 7 book series.
What is A Harem Boy’s Saga; a memoir by Young about?
Let me give you a synopsis of each of the books. I’ve completed three books in the seven volume series
A Harem Boy Saga - 1 – INITIATION; a memoir by Young
This provocative story is about a young man who was initiated into a clandestine sexual society. He was spirited to the Middle East, from his UK boarding school. He attended the Bahriji School (Oasis,) in The United Arab Emirates in preparation for serving in Harems for the wealthy and elite.
It is also a love story between the young man and his ‘Valet’ who served as his chaperone and mentor during the boy’s Harem service.
Author’s Note:
I had a privileged and unique upbringing in Malaysia. Following in my brothers' footsteps, I was sent to an exclusive boarding school in England. It is there that I was inducted into a clandestine organization, E.R.O.S. The Enlightened Royal Oracle Society. For four years, unbeknownst to my family, I was willingly and happily part of a Harem.
My story has been kept under wraps for close to 45 years. The correct moment has arrived for me to make known my unique education.
A Harem Boy’s Saga – II – Unbridled; a memoir by Young
This is the sequel to Initiation - A provocative story about a young man who was initiated into a clandestine sexual society. He was spirited to the Middle East, from his UK boarding school. He attended the Bahriji School (Oasis,) in The United Arab Emirates in preparation for serving in Harems for the wealthy and elite.
It is also a love story between the young man, his ‘Big Brother’ and his ‘Valet’ who served as his chaperones and mentors during the boy’s Harem services.
This book follows the teenagers’ erotic and exotic adventures and experiences at their 2nd Arab Household Harem, the Sekham. They were apprentices and models, for the household patriarch’s controversial photography project, “Sacred Sex in Sacred Places”.
The author's experiences present facts that are truthful. Through these truths, which are often demonized by contemporary societies that deem such behaviours inappropriate, the author hopes to dispel condemnations and negativity which relate to his experiences.
A Harem Boy’s Saga – III – Debauchery; a memoir by Young
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”
Lao Tzu
Debauchery is the triquel to A Harem Boy’s Saga, a provocative story about a young man who was initiated into a clandestine sexual society through his UK boarding school. From there, he was spirited to the Middle East to attend the Bahriji (Oasis) School in The United Arab Emirates in preparation for Harem services for the wealthy elite.
It is also a love story between the young man, his ‘Big Brother,’ and his ‘Valet,’ who served as his chaperones and mentors.
This book follows the teenagers’ erotic and exotic adventures and experiences at their third Arabian Household Harem, the Quwah. There, they became confidants to a prince, assistants in an international dance club venture, “Carousel,” and apprentices and models in a controversial photography project, “Sacred Sex in Sacred Places.”
This story is an account of the author’s experiences. Through these truths, often demonized by contemporary societies that deem such behaviors inappropriate, the author hopes to dispel condemnation and negativity related to sexuality, love, and personal freedom.
What inspired you to write about your harem experiences?
I believe my geographical location (being in spiritual and beautiful Maui, Hawaii) inspired me to pen my seven book series.
Now that I’m semi-retired from my once very active fashion lifestyle, it is time for me to reflect upon my unique early experiences and to inform the world what my positive experiences in the Middle Eastern harems were like.
I believe my early experiences shaped my adult life to who I am today.
There are also a series of goals I hope to achieve through writing A Harem Boy Saga:
- Provide Tolerance to Sissy Boys by understanding parents/peers and the community.
Anderson Cooper 360 documentary on the devastating treatment of effeminate boys influence me to tell my story.
- Bullying can be Avoided through Big Brother/Big Sister volunteer programs in school or outside school system. Older students acting as mentors to younger students.
- Gay Adolescent Tolerance – parents/child/siblings relationship issues.
Support/mentorship program to all parties involved to foster understanding and acceptance of Gay kids.
- Provide an Alternative Educational System;
Understanding Big Brother/adolescent mentorship programs in schools, BB as protector to keep younger kids from being bullied.
- Human Relationship Building Program;
Between parents/teachers and young students on sexual topics/issues, especially when adolescent are just discovering their sexuality. They can be guided on a healthy and honest sexual journey instead of “don’t ask, don’t tell” hide it behind the closet policy.
What challenges did you face while writing your memoirs?
Remembrance of things past. Luckily I’ve an abundance of photographs, diaries, journals to spur me to remember what transpired during those early years of my Middle Eastern harem experiences.
Although, I’ve taken creative liberties when it comes to the individual dialogues spoken by the various characters in my autobiography. I remember the gist of what transpired.
I’ve also changed the names and places to protect the identities of those involve in the secret society and the unique school and Arab Households I was in service at.
Historical accuracy is an important factor to consider when writing memoirs/autobiographies and biographies.
Where can readers buy your books and are they available in e-book, print, or both?
A Harem Boy’s Saga e-books and print books are available at (Audio books will be available in 2015):
US amazon: http://amzn.to/1qmL75W
UK amazon: http://amzn.to/1tUUU7Y
Canada amazon: http://amzn.to/16pcUPC
Australia amazon: bit.ly/1IWkwIn
No Distance Between Us (A Yuletide coming-of-age gay true love story): e-book: http://amzn.to/1Asn0fO
Website: http://www.aharemboysaga.com
Blog: http://bernardfoong.typepad.com/in_the_harem
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bfoong1
Twitter https://twitter.com/aharemboysaga
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/haremboysaga/a-harem-boys-saga/ (contains adult contents)
Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/trisf2013 (contents adult contents)
Amazon Author's Page: http://www.amazon.com/A-Memoir-by-Young/e/B00CENKJKM
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2992700.Young
Video trailer for all the 3 books in A Harem Boy's Saga series (conservative version): http://youtu.be/F0Lv80yhhq0
Video trailer for INITIATION (sensual version): http://youtu.be/db3bTrN1v3I
Video trailer for UNBRIDLED (sensual version): http://youtu.be/6J4ewXGxl-UVideo trailer for DEBAUCHERY (sensual version): http://youtu.be/y8g-hLjRJr8