nearly every way. Being tall for an elf and ruggedly built he is imposing
physically. Few elves stand a chance in a melee with him. As mighty
as his brawn is, his wit is just as lacking. He is slow to pick up on
conversation and in general can be confused easily. As a result of
this shortcoming he decided at a young age that Rander was the smart one and it
was probably wise to follow his lead. (Rander likely told him
so) The result is that the manipulative Rander stirred up many a hornet’s
nest and had his brother to back him up and save his skin.
Bander is actually
a good natured person. He hates Linvin because Rander told him to do
so. In truth there are only two things Bander deeply has feelings
about: family and food. Bander loves to eat and anything that gets
in the way of his consumption is a major problem to be overcome. He is
friends with everyone that his brother has not told him to dislike. In
all, he is a big loveable fellow who just doesn’t think quickly. If,
however, facts are presented to him slowly in a logical manner, Bander does have
his own opinions and feels quite strongly about them. Rander knows his
brother better than anyone and is aware of that fact. It is for that
reason that Rander rarely gives explanations for his orders to Bander. The
less Bander is forced to think, the more he agrees with Rander. It
was Rander’s influence that caused the fights the twins had with Linvin as
children. With the two reaching the age of young adults, Bander now begins
to wonder about his brother’s commands. An independent streak is nearing
the surface. Rander sees it and works constantly to suppress it.