Continent. Their existence goes back to the creation of the world; but
that is the topic for an entire book. In order from must to least they are
goblins, humans, elves, dwarves and gnomes. Today I will focus on
golbins. They are unique in several different ways. To begin with,
their bodies run on a 48 hour clock. Therefore, they have greater
endurance than their counterparts but must rest for a longer period of time
afterward. For example, an army of goblins could march an entire day and
into the next. Then, however, they would need 2/3rds of a day to
recooperate. Goblins frequently produce litters needing 3 months of
gestation. The average litter is 6-8 offspring. They reach full
maturity in five years but have a shorter lifespan than the other people of the
world. They are realatively short, rarely exceeding 5 feet but weigh
between 250 and 300 pounds. In short, they are perfect soldiers.
They have one reason for existing. They wish to smite all the other races
and rule Lavacia. Throughout the uncharted history of the world, they have
grown so numerous many times that they overwhelmed their opponents and cast the
world into a Dark Age. During these Dark Ages civilization would be
reduced to the most common, base existence. In each case the Dark Ages
would end when the other people of Lavacia pulled together and pushed back the
goblin menace. Most of the time the Master of the Red Sapphire would lead
the united people. Though the goblins would be defeated, they could never
be completely annihilated due to their numbers and ability to repopulate.
Quest for the Red Sapphire takes place in one of the Renaissance Ages between
Dark Ages. Though the goblins are checked, they constantly endeavour to
reclaim the lands they feel belong to them.