Publishing is being merged with Solstice Publishing. This is kind of a big
deal when you look at it in the grand scheme of things. Solstice is
apparently a large company with extensive resources at their disposal.
That would mean greater exposure for “Quest for the Red Sapphire” and the future
sequel, “Sapphire Crucible.” Details are only just coming in so I
will keep you informed. What is important is that the sky is the limit for
these books and any writer would be happy with that. As you may have
noticed, I have drawn on strong family memories in many of my stories and
blogs. Tonight is no exception to that reference. I originally hid
my writing from my father. He was an editor and his criticism on my
writing was just but hard for a teenager to swallow. In hindsight he
made me a better writer but his pen slashing across my papers to cross out
errors or entire sections left a lasting impression. It made me hide my
work or any evidence of writing. It was almost like I was doing something
against the law. I wrote when he was not around and hid my book away when
I was done writing for the day. Then a day came when I was working in the
yard with him clearing branches and cutting wood. He asked me about what I
wanted to study in college and at the time I was interested in business.
(This was before I ran smack dab into Accounting 101 and changed my major to
Communication). After I told him he was quiet for a while. He was
not disappointed but rather was mulling over my answer. Then, out of the
blue, he said the strangest thing to me. He said, “Do you know what the
great thing is about being a successful writer?” I meekly responded in the
negative. “The great thing about it”, he said. “Is once you are
published, you live forever!” I was confused and just nodded. He
elaborated. “You see, good writing lasts and stands the test of
time. Look at Shakespeare. He has been gone for hundreds of years
and people are still reading his plays and performing them. Look at Isaac
Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. They have long
since passed but their words live on.” Being a typical teenager who had a
retort for everything, I said, “Yes, but those people are famous. That is
the reason they live on.” He corrected me. “No, those writers were
amazing and that made them famous. That in turn made them live on through
the printed word forever. You see, I am hard on you because you have
ability. If you work hard and harness that ability you could create
something wonderful and be amazing too. And that is the beauty of being a
writer.” Did he know what I was working on in my spare time? Had my
mother informed him about the series I had planned? To this day he says he
was in the dark about it at the time. My name may never be mentioned
with those elite writers, but I can look at my work and say, “This is something
I am proud to have my name printed upon. I have no regrets other than
waiting so long to publish my work. To those who have sent kind words, I
thank you. I am humbled by your praise. To those of you who have not
read the book yet, visit http// and read the samples.
Most people end up buying the book and enjoying it. Who knows; maybe one
day I can live forever too.